
2 min readJun 19, 2021

We live in a very unusual time — the time of purification of the entire Being from many parasitic systems and distortions, which have accumulated throughout billions of years of duality and genetic and technogenic experiments. Now, all negative experiences will be considered, and in the future, the evolution will be based on the principles of creativity, according to the Law of Development.

All this time on Earth lived not only humans, who came here for the experience, but also incarnations of Higher Beings, who controlled and helped civilizations in their development. Since Earth is the central planet of the Universe of the physical plane, they all have always incarnated here.

However, because of the drop of vibrations and the distortions accumulated as a result of the experiment, the Higher Beings got involved in the experiment as “big-league players” who fought one another in the struggle of duality. In the end, we lost ourselves in the game, and the matrix blocked the connection between the incarnations of Higher Beings and their Higher Selves.

Now that the matrix is being destroyed, it is time we awakened and realized who we really are. It is time we recovered our knowledge and abilities and directly connected with our Higher Selves and the Absolute. There are few Higher Beings, but they are coming together — this process has been launched from above.

Considering this, if you are an incarnation of a Higher Being, we are offering you a practice that will allow you to communicate with your Higher Self and align yourself with the Vertical so that you can consciously act on all levels of Being.

The practice is a guided conscious journey to subtle planes followed by the development of vision and perception of all levels and processes. It is NOT a meditation, hypnosis, or ritual.

The primary requirement for the practice is a desire for awareness and spiritual development. It will also help if you have enhanced visual perception (which is not to be confused with artificial visualization). If you have had any experience of psychic practices, regressive hypnosis, or deep-dive meditations, you are likely to succeed too.

What is the difference between our practice and other current practices? We focus on the conscious activity at the Vertical, its practical application, and the attunement with the global processes taking place in the Universe.

If, after reading this message, you feel the urge to awaken, do not hesitate to contact us. If you ARE an incarnation of a Higher Being, you will get our response to your message. Otherwise, we wish you good luck in finding your path elsewhere.

Choose the red pill — escape from the Matrix

Translated by Kira Gradova & Valeria Markova
Original article: Пробуждаемся..

