Clearing the Space of Interaction

3 min readOct 25, 2021


Artwork by Josephine Wall

This is an all-purpose technique for cleansing subtle bodies. You can also use it when standard cleansing practices, search and removal of individual causes of impurities do not work or have little effect.

Energy-wise, we are constantly interacting with the surrounding reality, involved in the ongoing process of mutual energy exchange at multiple levels. And there are structures that maintain this process. These are certain layers of the aura, where our energies merge with those of the external world; energy and information channels and points of their connection to the subtle bodies; and many other things. Generally, we can call it a person’s space of interaction.

The interaction space is a complex and extensive structure that can cover other realities and levels. And it can become impure or distorted too. A pure, fine-tuned space of interaction ensures energetic immunity, protecting you against the influence of negative energies. The most common manifestation of the lack of immunity is the increased suggestibility to other people’s opinions, mass media, or other sources. Besides, some people easily adopt negativity from the outside, take on negative emotional states of the people around them, etc. There are also many invisible manifestations of high suggestibility, which can be summarized as whether it is easy to attach some negative energy cords to you.

Another phenomenon that can be related to the space of interaction is when a person’s subtle bodies are integrated into some negative systems to transmit and recycle negative karmic energy and other negative energies. The integration is rigid like that of a part in an electrical circuit, and the “circuit” itself can also occupy many levels.

Sometimes it seems impossible to clean oneself — no matter how much you disconnect the cords of attachment or evict the settlers, the situation does not change. Many of such complicated cases are precisely associated with the interaction space, often with specific cases of integration of subtle bodies into a negative system.

Practice for clearing the space of interaction

1) Set the intention to see your interaction space, to see a scheme of all the channels of your relationship with the surrounding reality.

2) With intent, create a white flame in the area of the first chakra and gradually lift it and expand it to the entire interaction space — high up and far beyond the physical body. At the same time, keep the intention to burn all negative connections and channels of interaction. The effect will be higher if you focus on this cleansing fire, feel its warmth, the dance of flames. The stronger the sensations, the greater the effect.

3) After the practice, set the intention to adjust your interaction space in the best way from the point of view of your Higher Self.

White flame is the most universal energy, suitable in all cases. If you receive information that in your case it is more efficient to use other energy (it can be a downward flow, and energy other than fire), use it.

Separately, you can work with the combustion of systems in which thin bodies are embedded (it may look like an electrical circuit, or a network to one of the sections of which you are connected, etc.). Request to show them, then burn them using the above technique.

Do the practice regularly until you get the result. You can hardly complete the cleansing at one go since very extensive structures are affected, which require time to fully elaborate.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Очищение пространства взаимодействия

