In this article, we describe the highest spheres of being and the sources of all Creation.
Level 144 is the world of God. It is a world beyond forms that is home to the Absolute, which is the source of all existence, and to God and Goddess, who are the divine masculine and feminine principles. It also includes spaces of interaction with all Higher Beings of the Divine Sphere, through whom God expresses his creative will.
People argue whether God has a personality, but this is actually pointless: one does not exclude the other.
There is the Absolute — the source of all energy that forms being and the highest point of concentration of being, from which the latter is inseparable. The Absolute encompasses the potential of everything that can exist; this resembles formless water, out of which one can create an infinite number of solid pieces of ice.
And there is God — the highest creative consciousness which constantly creates and changes being, using the energy that emanates from the Absolute. Or, following the above analogy, he forms ice out of water. In this process, while God acts as an active creative consciousness, Goddess transmits the Absolute’s energies, giving energy support for God’s ideas and activating the mechanism of formation on the lower levels.
The lower sphere of level 144 also contains two crystals that give origin to the central energy channels pervading all of Creation.
One of them, the Solar crystal of the yellow-on-white spectrum, corresponds to the law of radiation (see Basic Laws of Creation) and the transfer of the will of God (his energy and information) from the top down.
The other, the Moon crystal of the white-on-indigo spectrum, conforms with the law of attraction, according to which everything in being aspires upwards to its higher origin. It also has a connection with the primary activity of Goddess, which is the ideal love.
Since our planet Earth is the center of the Universe of the physical and etheric planes, the crystals are linked to our Sun and Moon. Besides, through these crystals, flows the central energy channel of all Creation (alternating white-on-black and black-on-white), connected to the crystal of the Absolute.
Level 143 is where forms appear. It is primarily the level of the Primordial Queen — the highest female consciousness, which applies the mechanism of formation to everything “invented” in the world of God. Her consciousness contains the image of all that has a form. She is one with Goddess from level 144.
As for God, on level 143 he acts through two consciousnesses.
The first is the Holy Spirit, the creative will of God. His role is to implement the ideas created on level 144 in the world of forms. His main spectrum is blue-on-golden.
The second is Christ, the love of God. He enhances and supports all that exists with the help of the higher energy. His main spectrum is crimson-on-light-pink.
Then there are two female consciousnesses accompanying the Holy Spirit and Christ.
The companion of the Holy Spirit is Irmingard; her main spectrum is light-blue-on-black. Her primary activity is purity: she protects everything created by God and the Holy Spirit from distortions and maintains the whole Divine Sphere with the help of the energy of purity.
The companion of Christ is Mary. Her main spectrum is the same as Christ’s, and she is also an embodiment of God’s love. (We should note that she is not Christ’s earthly mother; Mary from level 143 has never incarnated on Earth.)
Thus, apart from the male Trinity (God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit), there is the female Trinity (the Primordial Queen, Mary, and Irmingard) — a fact that the “patriarchal” Christianity withholds.
Level 143 is also a location of Omniscient Creatures. They also integrate with essential structures of being, realizing God’s creative emanations:
The Eagle concentrates all spectral energies.
The human-faced Ram accumulates the Holy Spirit’s energy and carries the spiritual component of humans from all levels of Creation.
The Lion combines the energies of the Divine Sphere and Creation, as well as those of Parsifal and the Holy Spirit.
The Ox supports the emanations of the Holy Spirit’s creative consciousness and the creative activity.
The images of the Primordial Queen and the Omniscient Creatures are reflected in the 21st Arcanum of the Tarot — The World. The two staffs in her hands represent the control over the main energy flows — solar and lunar.
Then follow Higher Beings who implement the will of God through 306 energy spectra (for more information, see Energy Spectra of the Universe):
142 — the Sphere of Archangels — male and female consciousnesses that accomplish God’s activity related to changes in the Universe and transfer energy and information downward.
141 — the Sphere of Elders — male consciousnesses that are spectral reflections of God the Father and of the male aspect of the Absolute. They fulfill the creative will of God through each of the 306 spectra.
140 — the Sphere of priestesses of the Primordial Queen — female consciousnesses that are spectral reflections of the Primordial Queen and of the female aspect of the Absolute. They give form to God’s creative intents through each of the spectra. They have an emanational connection with the 141st level.
On the lower levels (139–133), there are Higher Beings of the Divine Sphere who manage basic structures of the Universe. They operate only within their levels rather than across the whole being. Some of them have neither projections on the lower levels nor incarnations in the Matter.
Here is their brief description:
139 — fractals of the spectra.
138 — basic constructions of the image of being.
137 — the same as 138 but from the “inside”. This level handles the structures that link Beings with the constructions. It is the level of Beings who form and create system structures of the Universe. Male and female consciousnesses per each of the 306 spectra.
136 — the structures of spheres as global constructions.
135 — the horizontal plane of the Divine Sphere where myriad angels vibrate in the will of God.
134 — Beings who link the Divine Sphere with Creation. Their projections on the lower planes control the connection between gameplay levels and control planes. Male and female consciousnesses per each of the 306 spectra.
133 — Beings and structures that create the form of Parsifal, who is the source of Creation from level 132, and sustain his connections with the Holy Spirit, God, and the Higher Beings of the Divine Sphere (140–142).
Translated by Kira Gradova
Original article: О Боге и Божественной сфере