How to Open Inner Vision

4 min readNov 15, 2021


Artwork by guillembe on Deviant Art

Many people are wondering how to activate the ability to see subtle planes and energy and information structures, and they are looking for some practices that can help this. I will share my experience and the experience of practicing with other people. Obviously, I don’t have much statistical data, but I have come to certain conclusions.

The first and most important thing is that many people already have inner vision, but the practitioners themselves persistently ignore it. They simply do not believe that what they see with their “inner eye” is not a fantasy or illusion but has something to do with the subtle realm. They are also used to not paying attention to the images that appear in their consciousness, let alone trying to examine them in more detail, study, or perform any actions with them.

As an example, we can take books like Daniil Andreev’s The Rose of the World or descriptions of worlds obtained in hypnotic regression sessions. There are many different worlds described there, and people, when reading the book, often clearly imagine and perceive them in sensations. And these sensations, in most cases, are not fantasies at all.

My experience of subtle perception began just like this — I started to pay attention to my visions and listen to my sensations. Then this capacity just developed further to include more detailed vision; work with system structures that let you see not only a specific object but also its underlying energy structures and cause-and-effect relationships; vision at any point of space and time; direct interaction with subtle planes and their inhabitants, etc.

It is not only my experience, some other practitioners also managed to quickly activate inner seeing by merely paying attention to their own sensations and feelings.

In this regard, I actually realized how much time we used to spend on so-called “techniques for opening inner vision” described in various pseudo-intellectual esoteric books and on numerous websites. People spend hours chasing an imaginary point on the ceiling with their eyes, meditating on yantras, reading affirmations “for clairvoyance”, looking for something in the aura of a candle, and the like. At the same time, they keep ignoring their own subtle perception capacities, which ALREADY exist, because they are focused on some artificial procedures rather than on interior feelings. All in all, we are knocking on an open door — that is the word.

Also, note that most of the well-known techniques deal solely with the development of seeing the etheric aura (the energy field around a person or object), and that’s as far as it goes. Real subtle vision allows you to obtain much deeper and, most importantly, more meaningful information than the color of someone’s biofield. Talking of which, it is interesting that different authors interpret the meanings of the much-speculated “aura colors”, which they most likely have never seen themselves, in completely different ways.

Of course, there have been unsuccessful practical attempts when it was impossible to unlock the vision. There may be several reasons for that:

1) The blockage of consciousness and subtle bodies by matrix structures, up to the complete blocking of access to subtle planes, not to mention various seals and implants on Ajna. Also, the downward flow responsible for receiving information from above is very often blocked.

2) Complete inactivity of the sixth chakra and the pineal gland, as well as the lack of communication of consciousness with the pineal gland and information channels dealing with inner vision. And this is a big thing to handle. People want to see, but they can’t. And they can’t fix it themselves either, because for this they need… yes, awareness and subtle vision. Activation from the outside does not help either because they have no individual awareness that acts through the 6th chakra. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Here, there is only one thing to recommend — to listen to any, even insignificant, information coming from outside, to study and work with it.

Naturally, the question arises about how to interpret the information and how reliable it can be. There are no general recommendations here, and you need to work with each case individually. Of course, there are plenty of psychics who perceive only holograms from the matrix and technogenic worlds or get hooked on some kind of channel or egregore. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to know how the universe is arranged in order to navigate in the space of subtle planes and receive information only from pure sources. This is the basis from which you need to start working with subtle planes. Next is the sphere of your personal experience.

I will not give any specific detailed techniques, because each case is individual, and what’s good for one is bad for another. In general, it is difficult to recommend anything if someone lacks awareness, since there is no guarantee that it will work. First comes awareness, then the result — not otherwise. And awareness can come with a wide variety of experiences.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Раскрытие видения

