How to Raise Vibration

2 min readMar 29, 2021


There are many practices that, one way or another, are focused on gradual progress in strengthening the energy system of the body, stimulating energy flow, increasing power and so on.

Many of them have long been known in yoga, qigong and other schools; there are also individual practices designed to develop the ability to conduct the energies of the Higher Self through the body.

However, the effectiveness of these practices often leaves much to be desired. Many people do something for years, but make little progress which helps them only “feel a little better”.

Why is that and how to make your practice more effective?

The keys to a successful practice are:

1. The ability to follow your vision and sensation.

2. Putting your personal will into practice.

What does it mean to follow your vision and sensation? Any energetic practice must not turn into a routine — this will give little effect. Rather, you should listen to your Higher Self and feel the energy flow inside your body. For example, if you do breathing exercises, you may feel that at a certain point you need to breathe in the downward flow and then breathe out to create an energy sphere in Anahata. As part of the process, you will know exactly what kind of sphere it should be and why you need to create it. The next day, or even a few minutes later during the same practice, you may feel that you need to transfer the energy otherwise. This is absolutely normal, but no book describes such things or gives directions because everything is individual and all the instructions are inside yourself.

Putting your personal will into practice means practicing with the maximum inner, psychic energy. It would become clearer if you compare how you feel when you are keen to do something and put much effort into it and when you do something reluctantly. A stronger intention results in more powerful energetic flows, while automatic practices performed without any personal will are less effective. It is significant to note that the force of intent is a trainable skill, and it is possible and necessary to master the ability to manage more energy by an effort of will.

There is yet another thing to bear in mind: at the beginning, your practice may fail or go wrong. However, it will be improving as you develop your vision, sensation and will. It is similar to a coaching session — you learn some moves and do them though not perfectly at first. But in time you will refine your performance. The same is true for individual energetic practices — only your coach is your Higher Self, namely yourself.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Как повышать вибрации

