Information Planes and How to Work with Them

3 min readApr 14, 2021


Artwork by John Stephens on Christopher-Clark Fine Art

Each level of the Universe includes information planes — the realities inhabited by beings responsible for storing, transferring, and processing information. We can describe these realities as special parallel planes, but actually, they pervade and constantly interact with all of existence.

Information is transferred via energy threads and stored in crystals. Each plane has a central crystal data concentrator connected to the higher and lower planes. Common throughout Creation, this structure ascends to the crystal of the Absolute, which encompasses the potential of an infinite variety of information. It prevents existence from running out of “disk space” and information from being erased — it always remains, figuratively, in the Universe’s memory.

We emphasize this because some argue that there is such a thing as unknowable or “closed” information: some think it is impossible to understand the principles of the Universe, while others believe we cannot learn history, as the information was “deleted long ago”. And there are “philosophies” that deny the possibility and worth of cognition in principle.

In truth, it is impossible to erase information. If something ceases to exist — like the civilization of Atlantis, though this is not the best example — the related information stored in crystals becomes inactive. It is still recorded there, but it is no longer present in our world; it is out of our consciousness, irrelevant to our lives, and disconnected from energy threads.

However, if required, one can find these data on the information planes and activate and use them to reintroduce a civilization of this type — with a new perspective, of course, as nobody is interested in copying something that has already existed. This has happened many times in human history.

Now, what about so-called “false information”? In material worlds, information can indeed be distorted and then communicated to the minds of people. But even in this case, the correct information remains intact. It is just overlaid with the distortions, and those who transmit them intercept the information channel.

It is conscious contact with subtle planes that enables us to control and manage these processes. This contact keeps matrix structures and their operators from inserting false information into our consciousness because conscious work with data takes place on the levels above their location.

Poor contact with the initial pure information planes might be an issue, though. It may cause failure to obtain information or interception of the channels by matrix structures.

We access information from subtle planes through the occipital center, where the system information channel is located. The energy spectrum of the center, as well as that of the information planes, is white-on-lilac. Doing your practices, you can work with it to receive any information as images and learn to interpret it. It will come more easily with experience and the establishment of energy bonds.

However, before doing so, you’d better consciously connect with the subtle planes. It would also make sense to conduct a special practice to clear the occipital center from various blockages, chips, and cords that may channel information from the matrix.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Информационные планы и работа с ними

