Manipura: Cleansing the Chakra, Clearing the Mind

4 min readJun 8, 2021


Much has been said about the distortions of the earthly mind. The Vedas state it is the center of the false ego and illusory perception of the world. Don Juan would say that it is parasitic entities that induce the vast majority of human thoughts — and this is true. Many people talk about the benefits of calming the mind and stopping the internal dialogue, but none of the known sources show the root of the problem — which is most effective to work with.

It turns out to be Manipura, the third chakra located in the solar plexus. It is the volitional center and the center of the earthly consciousness of the physical and etheric bodies.

Impulses emanating from the 3rd chakra start any activity of the earthly incarnation’s consciousness. If you relax and listen to what is going on inside your body, you will feel that every time you want to change the position of your body, or even just think about something or pay attention to something, an impulse from Manipura precedes it. You can feel it as a weak current that runs from the solar plexus up to the brain. Then the brain generates thoughts or gives signals to the body.

Normally, Manipura conducts energies from the Soul or Higher Self and converts the energies that have already passed through the upper chakras. Besides, incarnations of higher beings have quite a lot of channels connecting the 3rd chakra with higher planes. Volitional impulses should come from your true nature. But this is not what actually happens.

Most people have Manipura surrounded by plenty of implants, negative programs, settlers and other things. They continuously stimulate Manipura, making us endlessly replay the useless internal dialogue and perform meaningless automatic actions, broadcasting fears, and much more. Since this state has already become habitual, performing useless work makes the 3rd chakra overstrained most of the time. There is little energy left for such necessary things as self-realization, awareness, even for restoring health.

Now the task is to get Manipura out from under the influence of negative programs and to open it to your Higher Self.

To do this, you need to take a comfortable position for meditation, relax your body and mind. Then focus on the solar plexus and feel the impulses that come from it. Following the impulses, you notice a sudden desire to do something or resume an internal dialogue. Each time such an impulse occurs, relax the solar plexus area in much the same way as you would relax a strained muscle. You can also express an intention, saying to yourself once: “Let my Manipura be pure, free from all negative influences. I open it to my Higher Self and the Absolute.” Or, you can use any other words that you think are more appropriate for you.

After a while you will learn to interrupt the impulse before it takes over your consciousness, and eventually you will prevent all negative impulses from occurring. A sign that you are getting it right is when your body and mind are completely calm — the body makes no unnecessary involuntary movements, and the internal dialogue stops for long enough.

You should not expect that everything will work out at once. It is better to treat the practice as an exercise which helps progress the skill. Each time you take control over what is happening in the 3rd chakra, it is a step forward.

As you bring the impulses under control, you release the 3rd chakra from all external negative influences. This disconnects attachments and gives freedom from fear, weariness, intrusive thoughts, psychological problems and many other things — the results are individual. You may also feel a strong downward flow coming from your Higher Self, followed by a sensation of a clear mind.

During the practice you may experience emotional flashbacks, and some behavioral patterns stored in the unconscious may emerge — you need calmly to let go of them.

Also, during deep relaxation, instead of usual thoughts of the internal dialogue, random sets of words may arise, accompanied by a patchwork of images and “technogenic” noise. Things like this happen in a dream or in the state between wakefulness and sleep. Here, you need to capture Manipura’s impulses that make you pay attention to it and abort them by relaxing the solar plexus area.

Once again, any action depends on the impulse of Manipura, even a simple attention to something. This implies that if the 3rd chakra is clear, it is impossible to put any channeling-related or other false information into a person’s head.

You may argue that many “masters” wrote about the benefits of meditation and calming the mind — Gurdjieff, Osho and dozens of others — but they created distorted teachings that lead people to a dead end. But if you look at them, you can see that their 3rd chakra was very impure, and hostile forces drove them. Their practices lacked simple explanations and proper focus.

Meditation is a powerful and effective tool if used correctly. But it cannot be a basis for forming a worldview or building philosophical theories.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Очищение манипуры и прояснение ума

