Social Behavior Programs

5 min readMay 8, 2023
Artwork by Michael Cheval

There are many negative programs of social behavior incorporated into the Earth’s modern society. To various extents, they are inherent not merely in the created majority but also in the entire population.

The programs can be either acquired — developed with the influence of family and social environments, mass media, etc. — or hardwired, genetically encoded. In other words, some people have the gene of greed, the gene of envy, lies, etc. Induced by external control systems, the genes become active and send signals to the brain, making a person behave accordingly. A person, of course, can and should resist such impulses. With a good connection with the soul or higher self, they become generally insignificant, but practice shows not everyone has recognized the exposure and removed the effect.

Since negative behavior programs explicitly manifest themselves in the physical world, they invoke matrix programs. At the same time, the more mindful people’s behavior is, the sooner the social environment will become clean.

The negative programs are now being destroyed on subtle planes; however, it is also important to erase them from the earthly mind, as nobody can readjust a person’s consciousness except for themselves.

Below is a list of viral programs that have been implanted in humanity throughout the Kali Yuga to implement negative scenarios, and that will cease to exist after the purification of our reality.

1. Enmity. The program of enmity has existed for a long time; it was created even before the program of duality. Affected by this virus, a person unreasonably treats others as irritants. It is one thing when we see the enemy in someone who harms a person or civilization — in this case, all causes and effects are obvious. But a person infected with the enmity program does not realize when it begins: everything happens subconsciously, and only afterward the earthly mind finds “proper” reasons.

The program finds the most common expression in everyday communication through gossiping, badmouthing, etc. There is no actual point in such a mode of communication, but people seem to enjoy the process and feel a need for it. While the need is created exactly by the enmity program, with [matrix systems of] Orion and Dessa [extraterrestrial civilizations] reaping the benefits of it.

2. Scheming. A program that creates the illusion of achieving better gains through manipulating people — usually those who are more open and trusting. The program has been controlled by many distorted game worlds and systems developed based on the puppet masters’ global game of deception and scheming. After the purification, all types of such games and scenarios will disappear. It also includes the phenomenon of global lies as related to the intentions of national governments and large corporations towards “common people”, of other civilizations towards Earth, etc.

3. Rivalry, envy. This program makes people see the enemy in those who have done something better, achieved better success, or reached a new level of something.

4. Earthliness. Affected by this program, people focus on mundane everyday life and show general narrowmindedness. It is also a genetically determined expression rather than just a character trait. Energy-wise, it looks like a shell covering a person and their living sphere (like work, home, family) and making them unreceptive to anything beyond.

5. Herd mentality. Substitution of personal needs and aspirations by mainstream interests.

6. Fear of personality loss. Even those “in the know” are afraid of death and the afterlife, let alone most people. A person’s fear of personality loss greatly limits their creative potential, compared to those who view themselves as eternal beings.

7. Material attachment and addiction. Many of those are global social programs and standards of behavior. Some are reflected in DNA.

8. Idolatry. The worship of idols instead of the realization of one’s potential. It is the entire official history of the last millennia, i.e. the Kali Yuga era, as we know it: some outstanding or simply socially successful individuals against the background of “masses of people”.

9. Self-destructive behavior, subconscious restriction of oneself, and self-harming in various ways.

10. Lust for power. First of all, it means a person going to power for the sake of power itself, reveling in their superiority to others rather than implementing some projects of public importance.

11. Materialism, materialistic perception of reality.

We have mentioned only basic programs with the most pronounced adverse impact on people. There are many other ones to which people are attached, like contracts and negative genetic and egregorial bindings to money, job distribution systems in the labor sphere, etc.

All these phenomena will disperse after the purification of reality, and imagine what a society it will make — that of creative individuals who are not afraid of physical death and are independent of both the crowd and leaders, which is completely free from scheming in any manifestations, and where people respect one another and other people’s achievements.

We should also make a note here. There is a view that the current state of social ethics results from people’s natural development (or degradation). However, it is far from the case: in any spacetime, including Earth, demiurges set a certain bar — or a “code” — that defines which energies and phenomena are permitted in a given spacetime and which are not. Thus, all the negative social events take place precisely because they have been approved in the Kali Yuga and, moreover, supported by definite forces. For example, ancient mythology mentions gods of enmity and discord, crimes, hunger and poverty, etc.

With no support from above, negative events fail to spread widely, and individuals who have gone the wrong way cause little noticeable social impact. For example, there were times when there was no enmity program on Earth. And those who wanted to outrage society for one reason or another simply found no support, and their negative qualities never went viral. At worst, action could have been taken against them, up to the physical death of the distortion carrier or teleporting them to another reality, where such qualities could find better application.

Now, in the transition period to the new reality, many of us somehow experience recurring activation of the old reality programs, which is worth paying attention to. It is a time of choice when you can do away with them to accelerate personal cleansing and advance the purification of the entire society.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Социальные программы поведения

