The Assemblage Point

3 min readMar 31, 2021

In esotericism, there is a very popular though poorly explored concept — the concept of the assemblage point, which came from Carlos Castaneda. There it is described as follows:

“The next truth is,” don Juan continued, “that perception is possible thanks to the … special formation whose function is to select the inner and outer emanations to be attuned. The particular attunement that we perceive as the world is the result of where the assembly point is at that moment in the cocoon.”

Further, in his books, Castaneda says that the assemblage point of the vast majority of people is fixed because starting from their childhood, they have been accustomed to a strictly mundane perception of reality. He also talks about the possibility to shift the assemblage point with the help of various practices, which will allow us to perceive the world differently and even to perceive other worlds.

In a nutshell, the assemblage point is the main point of concentration of human consciousness, through which we perceive the surrounding reality (external emanations) and ourselves. Also, through it, we radiate energy and influence the world around us (internal emanations). Simply put, it is the point at which we are aware of ourselves.

The AP can be located in any chakra, and its location can change depending on the situation. The way a person interacts with the environment and which of his body and consciousness functions are the most active at the moment depends on the location of the AP. For example, when we experience love, the AP shifts to Anahata chakra, when we feel inspired — to Vishudha chakra, and so on.

The assemblage point should be mobile. But, unfortunately, for the overwhelming majority of people, it is rigidly fixed in the Manipura chakra, which is responsible for the mental activity, volitional aspect, and in general, the interaction with the 3D or our reality, which is the area of activity of the 3rd chakra. Such an average perception of reality is not natural. When a person cannot displace his AP or when it is fixed in one of his three lower chakras (1,2 and 3) it is an explicit sign of the lack of awareness.

We should note that the AP can go far beyond the body. Furthermore, only by such a shifting of the AP, it is possible to have an extrasensory perception of other worlds, both horizontal and vertical planes. In the latter case — we can move up to the highest point which the consciousness of our Higher Self can reach. Thus, even though the AP is connected with our physical body, it does not only belong to the physical plane but to the entire complex of consciousnesses on the Vertical. When the AP is shifted to the higher planes, you can see it there. Meanwhile, the energy-information channel connects it with the physical body.

Castaneda and other sources usually describe complex methods of shifting the AP which have to do with entering the altered state of consciousness: lucid dreaming, trance, hypnosis, etc. But practice shows that such means for subtle perception are not necessary. It is possible to displace the AP and see subtle planes without the etheric body leaving the physical one, etc.

Also, some sources say that the AP is located on the back between the shoulder blades. But as we have mentioned before the AP is mobile. Instead, what you have there is a chakra responsible for the functioning of the structure of the AP. Its spectrum is golden-on-violet. Through this energetic center, our consciousness attunes the AP: its location, radiation and perception channels, and other characteristics.

Translated by Valeria Markova

Original article: Точка сборки

