The Secret of Online Games

3 min readNov 22, 2021


Today’s younger generation is increasingly living in virtual reality. Almost everyone must have ever played computer games, and quite many play as much as five or six hours a day. Particularly addictive are multiplayer online games, which carry away the player not only by the plot but also by the social environment of like-minded players who can do in virtual reality what they cannot in real life.

People have lost their ability to perceive the world and interact with it and weakened in body and spirit, having been absorbed by the technogenic environment — an unsuccessful experiment in which we were all involved. The everyday life of most people got boring, having gradually reduced to a sheer struggle for existence. And then, in search of at least some food for the soul, people created virtual worlds. First, it was art; then, with the advancement of technology — computer games, which take you to the world where you want to be and pursue your creative, leadership, or other ambitions and desires.

Our real world is also a game, where our spiritual origin realizes the self, controlling the body — a character who is supposed to pass the game. It means to fully explore the realities of the physical and etheric planes, reaching one’s creative potential, and get onto the next, more advanced level — the worlds of the astral, mental, and causal planes. And then onto the higher levels. Eventually, a person develops a sense of self outside the matter — outside game worlds — to become a creator spirit (a game developer). A virtual world is an engineered “game within a game”, where the physical consciousness, which for some reason cannot find satisfaction in this reality, plays the role of an unconscious soul.

But psychology alone cannot explain the influence of games on the minds of the population. The thing is that games are not “invented out of the head”. The virtual worlds of many famous games are reflections of real-life extraterrestrial civilizations and their “real games”. As it is easy to see, the civilizations are mostly technogenic, and the games are usually associated with wars. And they also drain computer game players of the physical and emotional energy with malicious purposes, just as soldiers of real wars — the only difference is the method. For example, the world of Lineage II is copied from one of the Pleiades civilizations; EVE online — from the League of Worlds — an association of technogenic civilizations under the leadership of Ashtar Sheran, etc.

There is also the main game server of the Universe, located in the constellation of Aquarius. The idea of full-immersion virtual reality is fully implemented there, much as it is shown in the anime series Sword Art Online, and even more. This civilization creates virtual copies of other civilizations, using technologies of the mental plane. The character’s perception is as close as possible to real life and even connected to the causal plane, which allows having mental and spiritual experiences. The game of this civilization is very popular, connecting players from all over the Universe through technogenic channels. Programmers of the most popular games on Earth are contactees who receive information from this civilization. During the game, the player gets connected to it and a character is created to connect to the player’s consciousness through technogenic channels. This is where incredible experiences, adrenaline rush, and “computer-game addiction” begin, as the character influences the consciousness using the communication channel of the soul.

As practice shows, the addiction can last for a very long time, until a person completely unloads the character from the game of extraterrestrial civilizations. Cutting off communication channels requires a strong intention, with the consciousness being at high levels of vibrations.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Тайна онлайн-игр

