
2 min readNov 19, 2021
Artwork by Louis Dyer

There are two types of human memory: the first is operative memory, which stores only relevant information necessary for everyday life. It has a physical carrier in the human brain and is encoded as a pattern of connections between neurons. It is inseparable from the consciousness of the human physical body and makes up a part of it.

The second is external memory, which stores almost all the information that a person “knows” and can remember. The external memory is located outside of the body, on information planes (see Information Planes and How to Work with Them), i.e., roughly speaking, there is no “hard disk” in the human brain. Information planes reside in dimensions 3.1 (the physical plane) and 3.6 (the etheric plane) and represent the global cloud storage of all existing information. They ​​can be found on all other levels of being.

Consciousness interacts with information planes in the course of its activity. Part of the information absorbed from there that becomes relevant it writes to the operative memory and, on the contrary, moves irrelevant information from the operative to the external memory. This builds linkages between consciousness and some clusters of the information field, more or less strong to allow improving the speed and quality of communication with the cloud server where the necessary information is stored.

Thus, all cases of phenomenal, photographic, and other exceptional memory abilities and erudition (or, rather, what they commonly mean by it) are nothing more than a person’s strong connections with information planes and the ability — most often unconscious — to get data from there. An ordinary person without conscious awareness can retrieve from information planes only that data, the path to which has already been made in this physical life, for example, memories of their childhood from photographs (this information has long been erased from the operative memory as unnecessary). Actually, this type of information is called memory just because the overwhelming majority of people can only actualize the information they have learned directly in their current life.

But really, as we have already said, with the proper skill of working with information planes, you can get information from your past lives, which always remains in the information field, as well as all and any other information.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Память

