Personal Power

3 min readNov 1, 2021


Artwork by Matt Stewart on MTG:Nexus

Personal power is one of the key concepts in describing a person’s interaction with the outside world if we consider both as interacting energy systems.

Personal power is the amount of energy that you can possess to influence the surrounding reality with your consciousness. Possession, first of all, means the ability to conduct large amounts of energy through oneself whenever it is required, rather than the accumulation of energy somewhere inside oneself.

The extent to which your intention affects reality depends on your personal power. Does it affect it, manifesting itself in visible results, or does it ring hollow? The effectiveness of many magical practices also depends on it — the more personal power you have, the more effective they are.

To summarize, personal power determines how you interact with the world around you. If you lack inner power, the environment is stronger than you; you largely bend to circumstances and live according to external scenarios, which are often alien to your true aspirations. If you have enough of personal power, then many negative systems cease to influence you, because you become stronger than they are. And you can create the reality around you with your intention, removing obstacles from the path you have chosen.

Note that we are talking of harmonious interaction with the outside world under the current conditions (the presence of many negative systems and their ongoing removal). If a person’s interests are destructive, their inner power will decrease since their Soul or Higher Self will not support them. Speaking about opposing the surroundings with the help of personal power, we mean gaining freedom from systems recognized as distorted, eliminating their influence on one’s life. Using personal power or other means to fight against what is NOT distorted is now unjustified, like all other games of duality.

How can you level up your personal power?

The major methods are:

1) Physical. It includes all kinds of sport and physical exercise. It is not so much the result that is important (although the higher the body’s indicators are, the more energy it conducts through itself), as the constant application of willpower to reach a new level. Here, two things affect personal power: an increase in the energy of the physical and etheric bodies (unless, of course, you use things destructive to the body like doping) and an increase in willpower. Here, it is important to develop comprehensively without skewing in any direction: strength, endurance, flexibility, and other characteristics are needed. There are known magical schools where a high level of strength of the physical body was mandatory, otherwise many practices did not work. The physical method is one of the few ways of increasing personal power that does not require special knowledge about the arrangement of subtle planes or a high level of awareness.

2) Psychological. Preventing the leakage of personal power in communication, eliminating personal negative experiences. This includes identifying and eliminating the causes of fears, psychological complexes, the feeling of guilt. Also, the development of the ability not to be manipulated in society, to remain calm and firmly stand on your position when experiencing aggression and energy vampirism, etc.

3) Confronting fear. Here, it is not only overcoming phobias related to the field of psychology but also pushing the limits of instincts, identifying and eliminating all the weak and vulnerable sides of one’s personality. In short, the method is to do exactly what you are afraid to do (of course, we are not talking about any harmful actions).

4) Conscious increase of your personal power and direct overcoming of external negative influences. You can use the practice described in the article How to Overcome External Influences.

5) Meditation. Stopping the internal dialogue will help to cope with manipulative attachments that suck out personal power or prevent it from flowing in the right direction. You can use the practice described in the article Manipura: Cleansing the Chakra, Clearing the Mind.

You can choose any of these methods, though increasing personal power is not limited to them. In general, your personal power grows if you follow your destiny, do what you must without retreating in the face of any external interfering factors. Such a life philosophy itself creates the conditions for igniting personal power.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Личная сила

