How to Overcome External Influences

3 min readOct 28, 2021
Artwork by Louis Dyer

Overcoming external influences is one of the most pressing issues for many people. It includes all negative outside impacts that block, ​​restrict, distract you, and deprive you of energy. These are the interferences of distorted systems, parasitic beings, negative event scenarios that have begun to unfold, the general negative energy background, and much more.

You can cleanse yourself from all these exposures for a long time, counter them — but as long as our world carries distortions, you cannot get rid of negative influences completely. The only way to deal with them is to raise your vibrations until they become stronger than all the impacts of the negative environment.

Vibrations, in this case, are understood as the degree of luminosity of the etheric body, which sets all energy and information processes affecting the physical plane. At the same time, the etheric body becomes a strong conductor of energy from the Higher Self and of other energies that help overcome the resistance of the environment (these can be elemental energies, angelic energies from level 12, etc.).

Now the practice itself, which will allow you to directly intensify the luminosity of the etheric body and overcome negative influences.

1) Tune in to see your etheric body. If you have no vision, you can tune in to feel it. The sensations of the etheric body are shades of your general well-being and the internal state of your body. Everything that is no longer physical tactile sensations, but cannot yet be attributed to the sphere of emotions or feelings. With good sensitivity, you can feel energy currents inside your body.

2) Focus on the heart center and radiate white light from it, filling the whole body with it. The radiation spectrum is white-on-dark-blue. Say the intention: “To manifest the light of my true self in my body” or “To manifest the light of the Absolute in my body”. If there are difficulties, you can additionally keep the downward flow from the Higher Self going through yourself. Fill your bodies with the energy until you have a clear feeling that this energy has appeared inside you.

3) Tune in to see everything that affects you from the outside as a scheme. Set the intention to see it. The negative component of the impacts can be seen as black-and-gray clouds emanating from the crowd (collective unconscious) and technogenic structures, lines of influence from negative systems, or other ways (it is different for everyone).

4) Intentionally enhance your light — and the emission of the white-on-dark-blue spectrum — and expand it into the surrounding area in the form of a sphere. Catch a state of inner tension when, with willpower, you can strengthen your radiation. Then pump it up, strengthen it with each practice. (You can find more details on this in the article How to Raise Vibration.) You will see that the negative from the outside (for example, the flows of negative karmic energy) no longer penetrates your field, but burns out before it reaches you.

5) You can create a protective sphere of any size around yourself and fill it with energy.

6) You can do the practice regularly, increasing the intensity of the inner light of your body and expanding it into external space. In this way, you cleanse yourself and your surroundings and level up your personal power, which will increase the effectiveness of everything you do.

This practice is similar to cleansing the space of interaction, but in this case, you are not just cleaning what you have but also enhancing your luminosity, the power of your intention. And this will not only help to protect yourself from any negative external influences but also clear the way for your self-realization.

Translated by Kira Gradova

Original article: Преодоление внешних влияний

